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Wednesday, September 22

And he let himself out with two barrels of steel
- Coattails of a deadman by Tom waits & primus


Theres this new show called "lost" the first two things it made me wonder were a) why are americans so self-centered in stupid shows? i mean, the only way these people can empathize with a TV character is if they're a middle-age, middle-class white guy.. who's airplane crashes, and is marooned on an island..

Who gives a crap?

the other thing it made me wonder is (b) whats that thing chasing them?! oh noes! its CHASING THEM..


Watch it. its on CBS I think... its called "LOST", half of the plot is a bunch of people marooned on an island, sitting and wondering what was chasing them.. and the other half is them running from said invisible beast.

Mark my words, its probably some island spirit or something like that. Not that hard to figure out.. unless they're gonna pull some seriously weak jurasic park crap.

the other bit, that I'd like to bring to you.. is why cant TV dinners taste more like real food? I mean they're obviously not real food, but some sort of illusional substance that makes you feel full.

Couldnt they at least trick you into thinking it tastes good? Like they do with that magical powder on cheetoz and krispy kreme donuts..

Sugar, I think its called.... or um... nacho cheese?

If my frozen TV dinner came with a packet of powdered nacho cheese(similar to the kind in instant macaroni and cheese) then I'd feel about 200% to 300% better about putting that mash in my maw.


aannddd I'm gone.

Current Music : Yoko Kanno - Stella by moor

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