pictures or whatever.

Brand new since '02.

Monday, May 30

spring cleaning 2

I just read and ripped about 50 pages out of a writing journal I had going for about 3 months now.

I dont like me.


Current Music : spiritualized - floating in space

Sunday, May 29

spring cleaning list

maybe they call it spring cleaning because people are too lithargic and shut-in during the winter to just clean up after themselves?

I'm in a list mood.

q-tips and bookmarks
bonfire flyers
empty polaroid boxes
photo prints
bad polaroids
a monkey-wrench
a broken tripod
empty cans
old posters



Current Music : the yeah yeah yeahs - Y Control

angels dont show up on film

This could be the beginning of something beautiful,
I hope to god it is.


Current Music : Neutral Milk Hotel - Ghost(!)

Friday, May 27


manORmouseman: the only downside is it eats dollar bills and spits out little pieces of useless plastic :-(
phunkiemeow: Whatness?
manORmouseman: its like... 15$ per pack of film and thats 10 shots
phunkiemeow: ...Woah.
manORmouseman: $1.50 per shot... :-\ yeah
manORmouseman: so I'm going to make them count
phunkiemeow: Good plan.
manORmouseman: I'm going to work out a point system. pictures must meet or exceed 5 points in value; pictures of "that girl" are automatical qualifiers, each aquaintance in a group shot is worth 1 point, each friend in a group shot is worth 2 points, any image featuring the horizon, a tree, or a llama are all 1 point. fast cars are 1 point, fast cars at red lights are 3 points.
phunkiemeow: Llaaaaamas
phunkiemeow: *picks out the best word in that sentence* XD
manORmouseman: brrraaww
phunkiemeow: Sounds cool though
manORmouseman: groups of llamas are squared by the number of llamas
manORmouseman: so a qualifying picture would be, no less than 2 llamas and a tree, 2 friends and the sky, or fast car stopped at a red light with a friend in it, "the girl" or a fast car with 1 aquaintance in it and a pair of llamas walking by
manORmouseman: :-)
manORmouseman: I should call my camera George Jr., after our president. he eats dollars and spits garbage. god bless his heart though.
manORmouseman: I could always name it quiqui
phunkiemeow: LOL
phunkiemeow: You amuse me
manORmouseman: but to really make those shots count, I'm going to manipulate alot of them
phunkiemeow: Aaah. Wickedness :D
manORmouseman: yess :-)
manORmouseman: righteousness, actually
phunkiemeow: Pfft


Current Music : Death cab for cutie - Transatlanticism [track 14 on *that* cd]

Thursday, May 26

it has come

and its more glorious than I could've ever imagined.

leather case and all.

now for film.


Current Music : violent femmes - I swear it (I can CHANGE)

Wednesday, May 25

2am list of doom

tomorrowto the Nth power
hot boy jeans


Current Music : Pinback - 3x0 [again]

Tuesday, May 24


What have I gotten myself into?
The bonfire is going to be a much larger thing than I initially planned; I'll probably need to utilize alot of Wednesday and Thursday in order to finalize preparations. Even on Saturday I'll have to be up and at-em pretty early, and down to the beach by 12 with wood.

I predict a long week(end.)

Aside from the very marked excitement about the SX-70, which has already been paid for and shipped, today I picked up applications at three of starbuck's locations. The first one the barista told me they were taking applications but probably not hiring and I had much better luck with the next two:

At Josh's starbucks amanda and shaundean were there, we talked for a minute about how inseparable they are and how they're the equivelant of me and josh(even if me and josh aren't close all of the time), and then shaundean said they were hiring and that they'd both put in a good word for me.

At the Barnes and Noble starbucks there were all female baristas, and while two of them looked quite confused with the register, there was a third, older and surly looking one who asked if she could start me a drink. I said no, and asked for an application, and they all glanced at me simultaneously, "Are you hiring?" I asked, "Yeah-- Guys especially- we have all women working here."


we'll see how this goes


Current Music : Pinback - 3x0


T'was an epic bidding war, between myself and the devourer of worlds, the ruiner of dreams, the snatcher of sx70's... polalee74

As his name might suggest, the guy friggin loves polaroid cameras- specifically the sx70 -and he's bid (and won) like 100 of them already.. here comes poor little sean onto the scene, with an EBAY SNIPER ROBOT OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM




Current Music : Modest Mouse - Sleepwalking


in 10 hours when someone calls for #7516862674, they'll find that the owner's name is Sean Godoy

now to get some film.


Current Music : Robert Miles - Improvisations [Part II]

Monday, May 23


chspe diagnostic test:
started test 11:08am
alarm set for at 1:38pm

break at 11:50am
resumed at 11:52am

finished at 12:37
74 out of 100 correct


Current Music : Ugly Casanova - Hotcha girls

Sunday, May 22

pure chaos

one sister is moved out, one sister is moving back in.

hoping and wishing to get 3 pieces of paper by the end of this year that'll revolutionize my life.

also hoping for a corporately scheduled task-set that will rend me access to lots of little green pieces of paper.

life is a total cacophony of chaotic crap at the moment, and while there is good in it all, its all so very tiring.

which is why now I sleep.

p.s. have you heard about this bonfire yet? chances are you have.


Current Music : Elliot smith - Pretty (ugly before)

Saturday, May 21



Current Music : Built to spill - Big dipper

Friday, May 20

Dear Diary
I've had the most tumultuous week, but met the most amazing person.

The headcount is up to 9 rolls, but none of them will be revived until tuesday, now tuesday cant come soon enough.

Now I really want that motorcycle.
I'll be Licensed by 10/21/2005 hopefully.

You can feel anything you want to feel and call it real,
But I dont want to be the one to rise flame.


Current Music : Sebadoh - Flame

Thursday, May 19

Calvary chapel costa mesa

I went to my first church again tonight. nobody remembered me and I think everyone I ever knew there- with the exception of a few -has already moved on to other things.

It was so weird seeing the same church in a different season of being-- I had left right as the 'refuge' highschool ministry was beginning, and now its more than four years old and I've come back in the same month that the pastor and worship leader are transfering to a separate branch of calvary.

I met a few dozen too many people to remember all of their names, but names they have, and it doesnt matter so much that I remember them- as it does that they remember me. We'll see how round 2 of my socialization in CCCM goes.

Other than that.. I have eight rolls of film waiting to be developed[!](not counting the 2 b&w, and 2 in progress)

I really hope I havent been wasting shots, but as I recall alot of them were well thought through, so hopefully all of my note-taking and consideration will result in a total bounty of matte prints that I can roll around in my pajamas.

Photos help me to remember, because I'm so forgetful. Sometimes I'll be thinking about being alive and I'll sort of do a 'progress check' for being a human, and I'll almost always be behind where I'd like to be, but more than that, these periods of introspection that I come upon always seem to be in backward contemplation and when the next one comes all I can do is sigh, let out a curse, and wish time could stand still for awhile.

The next time you think about how fast time flies, mark it in your memory, and the time after that, ask yourself if you had any fun.

fun has nothing to do with joy.


Current Music : Ima Robot - Here come the doctors!

Sunday, May 15

anything you can do, fidel castro can do better


Current Music : The Arcade Fire - Naive Melody (CBC Sessions)

Saturday, May 14

my dad rules

we were doing some concrete work earlier- which sucks -and I laughed out loud when I thought "sadists are people who enjoy hurting others, masochists are people who enjoy being hurt- normal people are those who enjoy both."

I was going to mention it to him,
"I've been thinking."
"About cameras, motorcycles or girls?"
"all of the above, or a girl who likes motorcycles and cameras.".
we both laughed.

work sucks. but talking is always nice.


Current Music : Pinback - June

The Collective Voice of Reason

Is a new blog I'm launching, with an extensive team of trained professional commentary writers, aimed at bringing you the most fair and balanced bloggings for absolutely no cost!*


o.k. so I'm making a new blog, with a fairly extensive team. some members are psychopaths and some are geniuses; some are both. either way, its still a very young concept but I think it could really be a pretty cool thing once it gets going. just some quick stuff:

I think thats it.
I really want to fix that template though, it looks glorious in firefox, but it turns into crap in IE, its just that its sort of 4:13am.. and, you know


Current Music : Neil Black - Mozart's Adagio F.

Friday, May 13

nate rules

cloudestream: cheer up or start smoking again
cloude: you can't handle mellow unemotional no thought relationships
mouse: if there is no deep emotion
mouse: then isnt it just a friendship?
cloude: true
cloude: and you will find the woman that matches with you
mouse: I hope so
mouse: because this is bs
cloude: have a look in the right places
cloude: ...or purchase lots of ghb
mouse: :-/
cloude: you need a library girl
cloude: or one from the race track
mouse: ...and what do those have in common? :o
cloude: they dont
cloude: one is for the intelligence
cloude: one is for the pure energy
cloude: choose
cloude: maybe theres a girl that reads books about race cars
mouse: haha
cloude: are you ever going to be happy with an apple and a pail?



Current Music : Velocity Girl - Pretty Sister

Thursday, May 12

New Pictures

I've been taking some half-decent pictures lately, and uploading old ones. check em out in my deviantart gallery


Current Music : Spiritualized - Step into the breeze


so many cookies.
josh had a 3$ off coupon at starbucks so I spent like 2$ to get two packages of milano cookies and I ate a cookie between each breath until I couldnt eat anymore.
I am seriously feeling a diabetic reaction :o
cookies rock.

so does walking to the park and practicing my katas while scared people look at me violently attacking the air.

15,000+ hits on
5,000+ hits on
new group blog soon

I am back in the saddle


Current Music : The White Stripes - The Air Near My Fingers

Monday, May 9

This isn't who I am, just where I've been.

I read back on my blogs and I see how I've been right and I've been wrong. Sometimes thinking I was right and so ignorant to how wrong I actually was.

I used to cut off and edit posts.. I'd write "truncated"- which to you meant "Sean was here and he didn't like what he read"

well I'm over it. I may be ashamed of how much of a foolish human I've been, and I'll still try to make things better and correct errors. But editing out being human is not something that's going to change how very human I am.

If you want to get a feel for who I am, I encourage you to read through old posts and watch the progression. A month from the bottom to the top of the page, and you could read that month in minutes, and then another month- and another- and another

My life in paper and memory goes by so fast with so little written in, and while a part of me would like to despair, I know that some things are better left unsaid.

p.s. I'd like you to take a moment and recognize how awesome I am for not just wiping the archives of this damn site clean, because some of this stuff is so humiliating it inspires explosive projectile vomit on my part.


Current Music : Sebadoh - Ocean

Sunday, May 8

sin city

I saw sin city last night. awesome desaturated noir feel, excessive violence. extremely enjoyable.


Current Music : The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #1

Monday, May 2

easy come easy go

I'm easy to like and easier to hate. I am the winner you envy and the loser that you associate with. I am the arrogant self-loathing intellectual fool. I am a brown dysfunctional human smear on clean cotton of the universe. I am the broken creation that is the rough draft and the masterpiece. As good and as bad as I'll ever be all at once. I hate myself as much as I hate everyone else, and I love myself as much as I love everyone else.

Yet there is no need for balance. I can be the winner that everyone loves and the self-aware philosopher who realizes he knows nothing but tries anyways. Creation or mistake, I am human.

I am the walrus.

Thats good enough for me.


Current Music : My Bloody Valentine - Sometimes


05/01/2002 - 06/01/2002   06/01/2002 - 07/01/2002   07/01/2002 - 08/01/2002   08/01/2002 - 09/01/2002   09/01/2002 - 10/01/2002   10/01/2002 - 11/01/2002   11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002   12/01/2002 - 01/01/2003   01/01/2003 - 02/01/2003   02/01/2003 - 03/01/2003   03/01/2003 - 04/01/2003   04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003   05/01/2003 - 06/01/2003   06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003   07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003   08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003   09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003   10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003   11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003   12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004   01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004   02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004   03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004   04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004   05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004   06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004   07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004   08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004   09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004   10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004   11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004   01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005   02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005   03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005   04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005   05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005   06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005   07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005   08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005   09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005   10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005   05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006   06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006   07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006   08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006   09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006   10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006   08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007  

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