pictures or whatever.

Brand new since '02.

Tuesday, August 10

Adieu Part II

I guess the assholes won.. I'm off of the internet now.

My writing and photography will live on though, because I'm going to get about 100 composition notebooks and about 1,000 bic pens, and then about 5,000 rolls of film and just absorb the world in all of its gravity.

before I go, I just want to give some shoutouts.

Much love to deborah-senpai, the only online person I give a damn about, and lj, many good times had.

Word to Akuma, GPC, DHT and everyone else.. keep the fires burning.

Jess, Continue existing... good's bound to come your way... --Jason... same goes for you! :)

Christian, heh, we probably wont talk that much anymore :/ so much for an airsoft team.

Codrioni, gg. Keep up the good art man.. you'll see me on sooner or later and we can compare notes.

Stephanie, its been good.. good luck with your magazine.

I'd like to give one resounding "rawr" in the direction of erin, ari, tosh and sarah.. online existance was fun :D

Everyone else.. I forgot you, sorry, oh well.

I had to give props to some of the people I remember for closure.

I'll miss pretty much everyone... talking on aim... screwing around on hl mods... blogging out my life.. all of that.

But I just need some time, you know?

If you want to contact me you're most likely to reach me via my email @ or by just phone-calling me.. if you dont have the number email me for it.. I dont really want to post it publicly.

gg internet.
`exit;name "sean";unbindall


Current Music : Cowboy Bebop - Adieu

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