No thanks
I'd rather not make a business out of logo making.
I was thinking about just making a site with some info and a paypal button.. but I changed my mind. I mean.. the money would be nice, and there are plenty of newbies and slowbies who'd love to shell out 10$ for a fistful of logos, but I couldnt see working under someone's direction on something I normally do with little or no outside inspiration.
Same goes for poetry, I cant see myself making art, poetry or jokes or anything as a forced response.. everything I do is an immediate and natural reaction that displays what I'm thinking. I dont think about it, and I do very little to refine the raw thought as its pouring onto whatever medium.
All of that being said, I just wish I could find some kind of non-labor-intensive well-paying yet inspired and enjoyable job I could do.. sofar the computer business is all there is.. but even if I could bring in 70k a year, and retire early, and raise a half dozen kids and send them through college and own everything I could possibly want to own, would I still have anything of intellectual or creative worth to pass down to my children, or would I just give them my career and tell them to make money and then die?
I want something that fulfils my physical and present needs, but also the unseen and future needs of myself and those around me.
Theres alot of deep-seeded thinking behind my current laziness, its just I cant find the right nitch, and I wont work or progress until I do. I know all of you "experienced" and "mature" people are thinking I should just dive at the first job that poses "applicable experience" and "good pay".. but theres alot more to it than that, for me anyways.
Where I work, and what I do there will be a part of me for the rest of my life, maybe not in these first few jobs, but later on. And the biggest thing that affects "later on" is now. The jobs I choose become the experience I apply, becomes the field I excel in, becomes my permanate career, and I'd rather not waste time working at something I'd drop in the future anyways.
So, out of that.. I'd like to work at iKEA; experience; applicable to nearly anything, wide range of positions, room for promotions; good pay, applicable seniority, location; off a free-way close-by, not so close I can bike or walk, but close enough a daily drive wouldnt be any kind of burden, and most of all room to breathe, large warehouses, empty show-room floors, sanitary customer services, no touching people, no juices transfered, no sweating, because of the A/C, no helping needy people, just point at a sign, or go through a process, or throw a stick and let them fetch it, or just take a lunch break.
Also I think possibly, but not probably: 1)employees get discounts & 2)starting salary is 9$ per hour
Only thing I dont know.. is if they'll hire under 18...
I could just show them this post and tell them I'm smarter than the average 16 year old- even 18 year old for that matter.
Current Music :
The Postal Service - Sleeping In