pictures or whatever.

Brand new since '02.

Monday, March 8

he yelled from the ship's crow's nest, atop the mast.

So if you dont already know about this then you're probably screwed, as I only have enough room for so many people.

Spring-break LAN party at my house, April 12th, thats a monday.. Probably starting at 4pm for those of you who like to set up your stuff. Seating is first-come-first serve, so dont blame me if you get a crappy spot in the corner on my mom's jewelry desk.

Party goes from 7pm monday to mid-day tuesday, whenever you leave. Sleeping arrangements will be provided, bring a pillow, but dont expect to go to bed until about 7am tuesday morning.

Food and drinks will be provided, but I'm charging 7$..

For the legalistic: You'll will recieve as much generic soda as we can provide, coffee and dinner, as well as a handful of vintage drinks.

We'll probably play Half-life and all of its lovely mods; Counter-strike, The Specialists, TFC and Natural Selection, and then Tribes2 if we can install it, Starcraft if we can get it up, and anything else you can provide.

Game patches will be provided, so will spare cables.

So if you're interested I'll run down a checklist for you.

You will need, a pillow, your computer; Tower, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, 2 power cables(one for the monitor and one for the tower), Ethernet Cables(Networking kind)[if you dont have these network cables its not a big deal, we can provide enough for everyone], Headphones: No speakers, sorry. And that 7$ which I could hopefully get in advance.

You'll also need to RSVP, you can contact me over email at, on AIM at "manORmouseman", or by phone at (7*4)839-4804

Try and let me know if you can go as soon as you know.

But other than that, my page has skyrocketed to 30 hits per day.. *gasps, faints*


Current Music - Modest Mouse - Sunspots

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