pictures or whatever.
Brand new since '02.
Wednesday, March 31
0.Start time? 3:03am
1.Whats your Name? Sean Godoy
2.Any nicknames? mouse
3.Eye color? brown
4.Height? 6'2
5.Gender? male
6.Any siblings? yes, two older sisters, jody and barbara
7.Do you sing in the shower? yes
8.Do you sing on the toilet? no
9.Whats your Birthday? 10/21/1987
10.About how long is your hair? short, say, 3"?
11.Whats your address? 1230 S. Genoa
12.whats your star-sign? dunno, you can figure out by my birthdate though.
13.Lefty or righty? Righty
14.What do you want in a relationship? Conversations and thought.
15...Have you ever been cheated on? yes
16.Are you in a romantic relationship right now? Yeah.
17.What kind of car do you own/drive? none
18.What kind of car would you LIKE to own? an S10: I'm modest.
19...Movies? Heat, Falling down, Duets
21...Band/Singers? Peter Cincotti, Modest Mouse, The Seatbelts
23...Actors? Bruce willis
24...Actress? Liv Tyler
27...Cartoons? Sealab 2021
28...Disney Character? Mighty Mouse
29...Color? any muted colors: slate blue, grey, dried blood red
30. Do you have a 'significant other? yeah
31. Tell me about them? no, bish :P
32. Any crushes? Yep
33. Do you ever think of getting married? yes
34. Have anyone in mind? yeppers
35. How do you plan on living with them? one day at a time
36. Do you dream about that someone you love? all of the time
37. Tell us about it :P? happiness and completion, followed by waking up, and being sad
38. Music or TV? Music
39. Guys or girls? eh. Guys
40. Green or Blue? Green
41. Pink or Purple? Pink
42. Summer or winter? Winter
43. Day or night? Night
44. Kicking back or playing hard? Playing hard >:]
45. Funny or Mature? Funny
More about you...
46. Do you have a saying that only you use? Yeah.. quite a few actually. like "cookin"
47. What school do you go to? homeschooled :D
49. What do you look for romantically? Purity and honor :)
50. What's a better idea for a first date, a beach or an arcade? Arcade 1st date, beach 2nd :)
Of your friends..
51. The most blonde? Hm. Sabrina
52. the most kind? Josh, by a long shot
53. The funniest? Ben
54. The happiest? Jeremy
55. The loudest? Jen
56. The most considerate? Josh, again.
57. The tallest? Chris
58. Smartest? Deborah
59. Biggest smartass? mason :P
60. Best personality? Laura
Wildcard~ (someone got lazy)
61. Who do you trust the most? Josh
62. Cake or ice-cream? Icecream
63. When was the last time you flirted with someone? :) earlier today.
64. When was the last time you cried, and why? Oh I dont know. probably over a girl.
65. What's one thing you don't understand about the opposite sex? Emotions.
66. Are you content? Yes
67. ...Why? Because theres nothing more I can do to make things better.
68. Most prized possessions? Computer, Room.. CDs... in that order
69. Strawberry, Vanilla or Chocolate? Strawberry
70. Diamond or Pearl? Diamond
71. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise, actually.
72. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping? nope
73. Do you(still) sleep with stuffed animals? nope
74. Do you have any piercings? no
75. What are you wearing right now ^_~? black shorts and a green shirt
76. What music are you listening to, if any? "Fight with seymour" from Final Fantasy 10
77. What's your area code? 714
78. Where would you love to travel to? canada
79. Who could you see yourself marrying? Ask her :P
80. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex(honestly)? eyes, face, body.
81. Favorite sport? PAINtBALL! no emphasis on the T at all.
82. What makes you happy? Freinds, (future)girlfreind, music, and paintball
83. What's the next CD you're going to get? I dunno.
84. Do you wear glasses? Not for perscription, and rarely ever for the sun.
85. What's the best advice on life that you've gotten? Do what you know.
86. Ever won any awards? No
87. Any big future goals? No.
88. Worst sickness ever? Flu type-A, last december
89. Moves: Comedy or Horror? Comedy
90. On the phone or in person? In person
91. Hugs or kisses? Kisses
92. What song describes you the most? Cowbow bebop's "Gotta knock a little harder"
93. If you died, Who would you leave all of your neat shi-tuff to? Family.
94. Do you have any enemies? No. I do have a hitlist though.
95. What's your greatest fear? Dying with unresolved issues
96. Would you rather be poor and famous or rich and obscure? Rich and obscure
97. What time is it now in Albania? 4:50pm
98. If you had 24 hours left to live what would you do? Spend time with people I love.
99. Do you still believe in Santa? I wish.
100. ..what about the Easter bunny? no.
101. When was the last time you got to talk to that 'special someone'? online today, and on the phone last night.
102. Do you have any pets? a dog.
103. How many email addresses do you have? 3
104. When was the last time you formatted a long ass survey? Heh, tonight, actually.
105. I didn't think so.
106. Who sent this to you? Sho
107. Did you *THANK* them? Yes
108.Who's most likely to write back when you forward this(you *WILL* forward it)? My money's on.... sho?
109.Do you wish on stars? all of the time.
110.What where you named after? my dad
111.Whats the worst CD in your collection? hm, london beat
112.Who's the FUGLIEST MOFO you know? He might read this, ask me and I'll tell you :P
113.How do you release anger? Expressive writing
114.Do you have a journal, if so, link us?
115.Are you sarcastic? yes
116.How many people have a crush on you right now? umm... like 1? I hope.. otherwise I'm ignoring somebody
117.If you were a crayon what color would you be? Black! the one people like to chew on!
118.Finish time? 3:23am
now I need a fix.
Current music -
DJ Sammy - We're in Heaven
Tuesday, March 30
We dont need no water
let the m**********r burn.
So today, my veitnamese neighbors left a pot roast on and it smoked their whole house up, it was kinda sad to see the fire department open the door and then scatter when the white smoke spread, and the look on the owner's face when she saw the smoke, thinking her house was on fire.
I took some pictures of the potroast, and the fire-fighters, and the crew-cheif putting out the pot roast on their lawn... the lady looked kinda pissed though, when I walked over there and took a picture of it.. I felt kinda dirty too when I was doing it... oh well, that what you get for almost burning your house down.
I'll upload the pictures sooner than later, I took them with joshes digi so they came out pretty crisp.
I dont have much more to post, I'll try to think of something later.
now, dedicated to my azn neighbors. The Roof is on Fire.
Current Music -
Happy hardcore - The Roof is on Fire
Monday, March 29
This post is rated R, and may not be suitable for our more tender veiwers
So ok, what the hell.. What are people thinking?! WHY? People on the internet are
filthy blithering dotards.
Tonight for instance, dig this dialogue.
Me: Man, I cant wait to play
distractionmod, it'll definately drop my rate of "being shot in the back by an asshole"
Dragonfly(the asshole in question): You're a fag
Me: Why? you're the one running around breaking rules, using the two highest caliber guns and being an ass.
DF: No, You're being an ass.
Me: Can't you think of something more original?
DF: Your mom.
Me: Wow.. nevermind
DF: Suck a dick, preferably mine.
Me: Whoa? what? I'm not gay dude.
DF: Neither am I.
Me: Wait, but didnt you just say "suck your dick"? isnt that kind of faggy?
DF: Don't you like to get sucked off? YOU'RE gay.
Me: Wait, rewind, I'M a guy, YOU'RE a guy, and you want me to suck YOUR dick, dont you find that a BIT odd?
After that.. I just gave up..
Or this afternoon for instance, I was playing digital paintball(which I advise against, as it causes welts on your BRAIN instead of your ASS)
Me(0): Whats the difference between the SP jersies and the DYE jersies?
0: What? the gray paint shouldnt be that much of a deficit, and the SP jersies make NO DIFFERENCE.
MM used command 'admin_ban 0'
Come on people, grey shelled paintballs? whatever, and the smart parts jersies are THE SAME DAMN THING.. I guess the whole of DPB servers have gone balistic in a frenzy AGAINST
smart parts, either way, internet gaming has gone to hell.
And of course, in both instances, the grammar was horrid, compared to my spotless english skills ^_~
I honestly wish there was a moral to the story, but there isnt, all I can say is thank God for LANing.
Current Music :
Happy Hardcore - 99 Red balloons
Friday, March 26
Things I dont remember
Wow, so I started writing this post about an hour ago when I felt differently. Its amazing how you can start with one demeenor and totally change the plan half-way through. regardless. this is an update into my life since last saturday. The bottom line is choleric&phlegmatic couples
dont work.
Today I got to murder a steel braided hose, 'got to' should read more like 'by accident'.. I was taking a fitting off of my paintball gun and I totally killed the hose-fitting on one end.. good thing I was planning on upgrading :D
After that, my pops is working on a tail for my paintball gun that I can mount my air-tank onto, he's neat like that :D sofar we designed it together but he's going to do the milling and the machining at his work.
So between that last paragraph and now was about 3 hours. Its now 2AM.. and I've gotta wrap this post up. I killed the steel hose for every O-ring that fell to my choppy-chop bottomline o-ring muncher. Never forget.
Before this poem, I invented a new smiley:
^_^ to describe extreme happiness.. which is rare for me.
I don't need to eat all day long, 'cause I know I'll be seeing you.
When we meet, I feel so complete, and its all because of you.
I can go for hours without a thought, or even days without sleep.
and though I try, I cant deny, you're the one for me.
With you I feel so happy, you are a light in my sweeping night.
I doubt I would, but I feel I might, die if you leave my sight.
When you're around, I want nothing else: a part of me is fulfilled,
So be with me, and then you'll see, that you are all I need.
I love being with you and I hope to god to stay,
But when you're away, at the end of the day, I get hungry again.
So blah, I've been stewing that one for a few days now.. tonight kind of stiffled it.. I talked to the incredible stephanie for a bit, she's still alive and amazing as ever.. that brought back plenty of old memories... some good some bad.. whatever though, thats life.
And then, I'm out of ammuniton to post all up on heres.
Current Music :
Peter Cincotti - Aint Misbehavin'
Saturday, March 20
Jugg-jigga-jugg-jigga-jaah jaaahh
Thats how you play guitar.
I went to the NPPL tournment in huntington beach today :D
I bought ~
A dye sticky grip, a stick trigger, and a feed neck.. I also bought a barrel jimmy, which I'm probably going to ship to mason to make him like 100% cooler when he plays, all of his freinds will be like "whats NPPL?" and he'll be like "Its from the national pro paintball league, biatch".. and then they'll all worship him..
I make people cooler. I'm good like that.
So instead of being all "oh my gawd, I need to get a full barrel kit and a halo oMGz0rz.. only 400$!".. I've gotten more conservative. Way more conservative.
And thats factoring in that I'm probably going to get a backup gun.. I'm going to be rollin' on fiddies.
but today, all-in-all, I spent 85$... 85$ on things I have been looking at for almost a year now, 85$ on as much stuff that someone else could've paid 125$ for.
Other than the suckage today at Trabuco hills HS... Thats it.
Oh~ But I was, for once, pleasantly surprised: I went to bring miki a CD I made her, that I'd promised I'd give her last week someday.. and she gave me a CD :D woot.
For once, someone spontaineously gives back.. it was shocking for me.. I almost told her it was ok, and that she shouldnt waste a CD on me.
but I didnt. obviously :D
Current Music :
Modest Mouse - Here it comes
Top five songs that've made me cry since this day last year. in order of least to most weeping
5. Robert Miles - Fable
4. Modest Mouse - Sleepwalking
3. Yoko Kanno - Gotta knock a little harder
2. VA - Total Eclipse of the heart[remix]
1. The postal service - Nothing better
Download these, or just ask me for them if you're too lazy.
**Added: I
did cry last time I heard 'I belong' by Linkin park, I know its shameful but whatever.. this isnt a couture club.
Current Music :
Robert Miles - Fable
Wednesday, March 17
If only..
Dont blame me, I'm not taking responsabillity for this post.
If you'd be on time, then I'd have nothing to complain about,
and If I didnt rhyme I'd have nothing to go insane about,
If what my eyes wanted would only come to me,
Then my eyes would need no God to see.
If what I thought became all that I say,
I'd probably lose my freinds all in one day,
If what I wanted the whole world to be, came true
Then Jesus couldnt've died for you.
If I could get but an ounce of her love,
then surely I wouldnt have anything left to dream of,
If I were like everyone else, then you'd never see,
what this crazy world has come to be, and done to me.
If what I feel now, you felt too,
then we'd never have to say anything new,
If I could love her forever and com-plete-ly,
then I wouldnt be so sick dis-creet-ly.
If all I thought about her was plain to see,
then she'd be flattered, but I'd still just be me,
If I keep to myself and never share all my emotion,
Then my rage will rise up like a wave on the ocean.
I cant take much more of this,
will it all be gone if we decide to kiss?
the second one goes like..
Your lovely face,
I fell from grace,
And now I'm stuck,
In a faithless place.
Beautiful you,
makes me true to life like glue.
Theres nothing new,
Under the sun,
you can have some fun,
But you'll rot in hell for all you've done.
A bright face,
In a dark place
Wont hide life's pain,
under a veil of malaise.
The end.
Current Music :
Modest Mouse - I-8
Unlink fiesta, round 2!
If you woke up today, and read my site.. and mysteriously your link is gone from my page...
ITS BECAUSE I DELETED IT! You're cut from the team! HIT THE SHOWERS!
Um.. other than that.. I played a few intense rounds of TS tonight.. I've heard from my l337 beta-testing comrades that they're changing a few things, more notably: the mac10 is kaput, the raging bull is getting a tranquilizer, and the sawed off and M4 are getting a pistol whip function.
Neat stuff.
And tonight I played [DHT]'s clan leader, Tom Broke-off(props for being a cool leader, and a great server owner. -love-) I won 5-1, so thats my ego booster..
His sportsmanship and honor make up for any losses, he's one of the best players I've met.
And then, I bit my mouth while I was playing against him... ow... damn... I need some iodine.
thats it, ask me about the new sprays I've made, I wanna show 'em off.
Current Music :
Paul Oakenfold - Ready, Steady, Go
Monday, March 15
And I wrote this out in notepad
...maybe that was supposed to go at the end. Oh well, at least I got that acrossed.
My sister is downloading episodes of "The seventies show" so not only am I unable to play CS or TS, but my internet surfing has ground to a 56k halt.
Kazaa is so damn slow! even bittorrent is better, and the Kazaa people had some code to work with after all of the napster cloning went on.
so I went paintballing saturday, not much to tell... I shot one guy all day, shot him all up and down his back too. I'm covered in welts though, it looks like I was attacked by an octopus.
Its funny how much time you have when you dont sleep at night. I'll check journals two or three times even after someone has gone to bed, just to see if they've updated anything, but alas, its always the same..
When I tried to play TS despite the 200 latency(which is actually SLOWER than 56k), I said "you know, I'm going now, it lags too bad for me because my sis' is downloading"..
Oh no, theres no ligtimacy left in the online community, someone told me 'not to make excuses' and to 'just play anyways'.. See, this is the one time in 3 years I have real network issues, and the one time I've complained about it ...and the ONE time I've seen such ridiculous responses.
so theres this girl, just some girl.. that I might be fallin' for..
Good old sean sharing his life as usual... I might, one of these days, just post meaningless crap about crap I do and crapity crap. Crapfully crapful.
I'm starting to hate these wireless headphones, they tune out if the signal isnt strong enough, because they have an automatic shut-off in the broadcast base... its pretty lame.. it'll turn off if my music is too quiet, and then it'll amplify static and thats LOUD AS CRAP.. so it goes from quiet, barely audible vocals, to STATTICCC SDFWH#$($YRH#R(HWNB(BASBDA(SDBSOFMGSNDFOS
( )
Thats where I put what else, if there be any else.
Oh! I know what I wanna say.. "Everyone needs to just calm down and eat some fruit or something"
Current Music :
Modest Mouse - A Different City
Wednesday, March 10
An experiement of futility
so I connected to a role-playing specialist's server tonight...
God.. how many "mafia" and "cop" models can you have?!
Anyways, I had miki, steve and christian over tonight... kinda akward at first but penile references to people's mothers broke the ice.
We played pool and monopoly.. that was fun.. but they had to go early so I grabbed about 6,000$ out of the bank and so when we counted the money due to our early ending, I'd win.
Cheating is boring..
But winning the fair way is just as bad.
I'll tell you how the role-playing TS goes... "Hey, How about I role-play me kicking your ass?" - mouse
Playing the specialists is so yummy.... 370 kills and 20 deaths, yummy. Yummy like getting 5 kills in 1 second... Getting diving throwing knife and shotgun kills before you even hit the ground yummy.
Multiple contacts, yummy.
Clearing the lobby yummy,
Running the gauntlet yummy.
It smells like victory to me.
I love to win.
PS. The RP server emptied out by the time I downloaded the map and all of the player skins.. it only took me a half an hour.
Then I left and got yummy.
Current Music :
Modest Mouse - Four Leaf Clover
Monday, March 8
he yelled from the ship's crow's nest, atop the mast.
So if you dont already know about this then you're probably screwed, as I only have enough room for so many people.
Spring-break LAN party at my house, April 12th, thats a monday.. Probably starting at 4pm for those of you who like to set up your stuff. Seating is first-come-first serve, so dont blame me if you get a crappy spot in the corner on my mom's jewelry desk.
Party goes from 7pm monday to mid-day tuesday, whenever you leave. Sleeping arrangements will be provided, bring a pillow, but dont expect to go to bed until about 7am tuesday morning.
Food and drinks will be provided, but I'm charging 7$..
For the legalistic: You'll will recieve as much generic soda as we can provide, coffee and dinner, as well as a handful of vintage drinks.
We'll probably play Half-life and all of its lovely mods; Counter-strike, The Specialists, TFC and Natural Selection, and then Tribes2 if we can install it, Starcraft if we can get it up, and anything else you can provide.
Game patches will be provided, so will spare cables.
So if you're interested I'll run down a checklist for you.
You will need, a pillow, your computer; Tower, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, 2 power cables(one for the monitor and one for the tower), Ethernet Cables(Networking kind)[if you dont have these network cables its not a big deal, we can provide enough for everyone], Headphones: No speakers, sorry. And that 7$ which I could hopefully get in advance.
You'll also need to RSVP, you can contact me over email at, on AIM at "manORmouseman", or by phone at (7*4)839-4804
Try and let me know if you can go as soon as you know.
But other than that, my page has skyrocketed to 30 hits per day.. *gasps, faints*
Current Music -
Modest Mouse - Sunspots
Sunday, March 7
gnitirw derorriM
I was sitting awake on one of my usual benders... thinking.. what should I do?
I had just gotten done playing counter-strike, at which some rookie clan challenged me and the leetness(mason) to play a 2man scrimmage, to make a long story short we whooped them in biblical purportions.
So I was bored...
Then I got a song from the leetness(previously known as 'orange' or 'orangepaint', sometimes 'mason tye') that I liked.
So then I started making a compilation. And never before- not even in the bible -has there been such a good compilation.
I have to seperate my thoughts in short sentences like this because I'm tired, and I'm going to be tireder when I get up in 3 hours.
But my main goal is to make a CD with music thats
heart-chilling and bone warming... er.... strike that.. reverse it.... Heart warming and bone chilling.. at the same time.. in the best possible way.
Anyways, after that I remembered some of the stuff josh has been talking about -none of it I'm going to mention here, but for those of you who ARE interested, it isnt as scandalous as you might want it to be- so he's been talking about alot of things, most of which became fuel for this CD.. and so I felt compelled to write a letter to go along with it..
In mirror type.
heh heh heh...
That was backards and you didnt even know it!
hahahaha.. anyways.. a WHOLE page reversed.. I'm proud.
While I'm not going to reveal why I'm double spacing this whole post like a whore, or what inspired me... or even whats in the letter.. I am going to show off the playlist..
here~(I named it 'current status'.. because my CD's is like my childrens.)
And then, you're going to go away.
(paintball: I am going to get a 'cocker from
Worr Games, a nice one from them is certainly alot cheaper than a matrix or a timi.. I'm looking at the
Flatline 03', its supposed to be impressive for sharp-shooting... and if thats all that I can afford in a paintball gun, thats all I want. It runs 500$ new.. so thats definately a future goal-- not out of sight like any of the other high end paintball guns..)
Current Music :
'Current Status' Dance Mix
Friday, March 5
ICBPM... lol...
Well, to get that you'd have to know what an ICBM and BPM mean, respectively.
Um.. so yeah, I was going to post something really profound, but listening to techno and reading xangas' have made me shallow in minutes..
And instead of copying someone else's survey, I'm just going to link in this post back to a few posts you might want to read.. probably.
a more recent self-interveiw
a little older interveiw with my bad self
Need something to listen to?
Short crappy survey, after I lit my hand on fire and got a bad flu..
one of my deeper moments
Hyperactive angry sean is a bad thing.
Birthday coming up? take some advice from me?
Stephanie invented this degradating list
My idea for FFXI-II
Everything in my august 31st archive rocks.
A short survey
A 40 question survey
A beefy 75 question survey
a 500 question survey
Do you get called a cynical bastard pessimist all of the time? or are people just hounding you to be nicer? Read this post.
Everything June 1st roxorz your boxorz
My equation for happiness
Yelling at my math book hahhahaha
See.. I see surveys just like I see tax audit forms, or insurance information.. once its on file.. go back and read over it.. forget about reiterating it a hundred times..
Thats all.
That, freinds, was nugget grade content.
Current Music :
Am I evil? - CastleMANIA!
Thursday, March 4
Well damn
But he doesnt look as good in his older pictures, let me find one of him this summer.
Oh yeah... pimpin
NOTE: For those of you who'd like to dismiss me as the devil, just because I'm the same personallity as hussien doesnt mean I use the same methods.
Current Music :
The clash - English civil war
And I quote " If I ruled the world people would have thier fingers cut off for saying "not much" in reply to anything. period. well.. one finger for each offense that is, starting at the pinkies."
I stand by that statement.
Current music :
DJ Metazero - Zero, the Ultimate warrior
Wednesday, March 3
Today I got the free stickers I had been anticipating from
He was asking for people to send in pictures of how they used their free stickers, so naturally I rose to the occasion... Why, just
look here
hm.. thats all.
Current music :
The Postal Service - This place is a prison
So tonight, I ran around counter-strike hacking like no other, I've gotten pretty good at it. I was playing Rick James for all of those who kept quoting the line from dave chapelle's show, "I'm rick jame's bitch"... when they dont even know who he is.
I'd sit in a corner, hide, let my team die, stay alive.... hack anyone who came near me.. all the while blaring
She's a brick house over my microphone com. patched into my winamp.
So remember, If you ever see Agent Lightfoot in a server near you, expect insuing carnage like you've never seen.
And music.. the music.....
Current Music :
Sir-mix-alot - Baby got back(I like big butts)
Tuesday, March 2
I'm about to go to bed, 1:17am is an early bed-time for me, but there isnt much to do.
I'm amused with two things.
Cafeteria tray art, that my sister and some of her
college people(KATHY!!! BIZZAROOZZ RAAAA) made god knows when. (sorry for inserting that shiggidy shout-out midsentence, but I felt like it)
The redirect page for my Xanga... because Xanga is shit. not to be profused or perflexed with THE shit, which is wholly different.
Be tickled.
And if you couldnt see them, last post was just riddled with links, like little land-mines.. so read over it again and see how many
YOU can find. (7 in all)
I'll make the link color more obvious tomarrow.
Get some sleep.
Current Music :
Zid! - THE BATTLE OF STRINGS AND A CELL PHONE!(Coming to a theatre near
Monday, March 1
In the time it takes you to
read this, I will have posted again.. That is a complete list of ALL of the songs I have, some doubles, some triples.. but thats the entire contents of "my music"... some 1,700 songs, coming up to nearly 113 hours and 23 minutes..
RIAA is gonna own me.
As a side-note, if you're a paranoid bugger, or just like your privacy when communicating online, and you don't feel like being spied on... *COUGH*riaa*COUGH*... I offer
this little gem, its a security protocol for AIM(aol instant messenger), that'll encrypt all out-going messages.. its pretty easy to install as long as you
follow the site's instructions word for word, and dont think you can just click "next".. me and
ryan learned this the hard way..
At any rate, its a good thing to have, and it puts a sexy little lock next to your name-- if thats what you're into.:D
Since hacking seems to be the theme of this post, I needed to get OGC again, so I could rip open some rookie 'slayers' on counter-strike.
I found, OGC is well promoted there: Heres just two of the tweaked versions of OGC for 1.6/Steam, OGC
Although, due to some menu bugs I'm thinking I'd have been better off going with
dom1n1k & p47r1ck's final tweak.. you'd be best to give both a spin, and then figure out which one you like.
So much content you'd need five stomachs to digest it.
Current Music :
Modest mouse - Digging holes in the water
05/01/2002 - 06/01/2002
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10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003
11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007
