This survey is short.
1. What color are your kitchen plates? whte
2. What book are you reading now? The bible?
3. What's on your mouse pad? A little puppie-dog sleeping
4. Favorite magazines? Popular Mechanics
5. Favorite scents? Fresia & Ginger-spice
6. Least favorite smell? Frebreeze
7. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? "How much longer can I sleep in and get away with"
8. Favorite colors? Dark red & Grey
9. Least Favorite? Magenta
10. How many rings before you answer the phone? 3?1
11. Future child's name? Ummm.. for a boy..Gabriel or John if a girl Julia, Rachel
12. Do you like to drive fast? yeah
13. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no
14. Do you like Storms? yeah
15. What type was your first car? N/A
16. If you could meet one human, dead or alive, who would it be? Sun Tzu
17. Favorite Alcoholic drink? Rum?
18. What is your sign and your birthday? Libra 10/21
19. Do you like to eat the stems of broccoli? steamed brocolli with cheese.
20. If you could have any job, what would it be? Jazz band director; and get to hang out
with yoko kanno.
21. If you could have any color hair, what would it be? Black black?
22. Have you ever been in love? no
23. Is the glass half full or half empty? Half empty
24. Favorite movie (s)? Falling down, Fifteen Minutes
25. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?I dont know what this means,
probably not, but I type faster than alot of people who DO have their fingers "the right way" so forgetaboutit.
26. What's under your bed? A 4" iron girder that I thought I might want to use later, some board games.. annd dust
27. What is your favorite number? 7
28. Favorite sport to watch? Football
29. What is your single biggest fear? Crowds
30. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you. Squaresoft? REALLY NOW?!
31. Person most likely to respond? Some jerk.
32. Person you sent this to least likely to respond? I dont know... I'm posting this on my journal.
33. Favorite TV shows? Sam&Max
34. Ketchup or mustard? I dont care, ketchup
35. Hamburger or hot dog? Hamburger
36. Favorite soft drink? Cocacola
37. The best places you've ever been? Tahoe and Redfern
38. What screen saver is on your computer now? Blank screen
39. Burger King or McDonald? McDonalds
Current Music :
Bright Eyes - Sunrise, Sunset