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Thursday, August 28

Love not like...

I know alot of people wont like this one.

This is a list of people I dont like....

Josh, I dont like you because you're always at a loss for words, you're overbearing and incompetant, you always bring my day down because I have to fix or explain everything for you. Why dont you just read the signs? You need to back off before someone makes you.

Jeremy, I dont like you because you're a fool, you chase after love like it was an object, you go from girl to girl and you dont seem to have any mental bearing on your life, which makes you unfit to share it with anyone else.

Liz, I dont like you because you're tempermental and opinionated, you expect too much from everyone.. you act as if people deserve your attention, you're always emotionally needing, you're always underfoot, as a freind you're too inconveiniant.

Sarah, I dont like you because you're underspoken which makes you seem cowardly in conversation, your always willing to take a handout, You're always looking for approval, you're too quiet and too shy.

Ryan, I dont like you because you're always blubbering on your words, much like josh, except he knows he isnt well-spoken, you dont even realize that much. you say "say nothing and seem smart, as opposed to opening your mouth and removing all doubt".. why dont you apply that for once?

Mason, I dont like you because you're a cocky idiot who is following the wrong ideals, you're parents are flops so you think you can use that as your excuse, you act like you're the victim just because "God wont talk to you"... How about you just shut your atheist mouth for one second and just realize the fact that you're wrong, you've always been, and you always will be.

Deborah, I dont like you because you're a stupid arrogant writer who thinks she knows about life in general, you live in louisiana, you cant even comprehend my life or my struggles, what gives you any right to say anything about anyone elses life? what gives you the right to think you're better than anyone?

I dont like myself because I'm arrogant, insensitive and I'm so foolish all of the time.

I bet y'all loved that.


Josh, I love you because you have gifts that I dont, you see the world in innocence and not in agony. You see purity where I only see corruption. You love beyond any measure that I could love, and thats why I love you.

Jeremy, I love you because you are actually trying. You may not be as smart as me but you certainly try harder at life than I ever bothered to, what gives me the right to critisize your efforts?.. you are an affectionately needy person.. it doesnt mean your chasing after every girl you see.. it just means you need someone to love and love you back.

Liz, I love you because you're honest and brassy, you say whats on your mind and you hold a high standard for people that call themselves your freinds. you have your issues but once again you only take them to people you know you can lean on. You know who to ask for help, and you get it. You are honest and creative. You arent too much to bear for anyone.

Sarah, I love you because you're prompt and to the point. you dont speak when you dont need to, and in the end you say more than me. You're right to care about the opinions of others, just dont care too much or you might be insulted when some jerk tells you that you're "too quiet and too shy"

Ryan, I love you because you care about what comes out of your mouth, but you care more about saying whats on your heart. you're honest in your life and true to your word, You've never let me down, and you probably never will. You're a solid freind and you've supported me more often lately than anyone I know.

Mason, I love you because you've got a gift, even if you're not using it the right way you still manage to subconciously make my arguement stronger by studing falises. You carry more of a burden than anyone I know, you've only suffered because of "the sins of the father", and if you learn to bear this load for this short life, you will be infinately rewarded. Dont fight back against the truth. Even if you're wrong, out of everyone, you deserve the most love.

Deborah, I love you because you're quick on your feet mentally and you're soft-spoken when it serves your purpose. You may not be affectionate to strangers, but I've seen that your culture has embedded in your an infinate love for your family that I dont think anyone I know can match. You're fun to talk to and even more fun to debate with.

And I love me, because without my life, I wouldnt have been able to make so many good freinds.

... thats all, y'all.

Current Music : Alec Empire - Killing Machine

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