pictures or whatever.

Brand new since '02.

Tuesday, August 19

Five hundred question survey.

Ready? GO!

[1]First Name: Sean
[2]Middle Name: Samuel
[3]Last Name: Godoy
[4]Nick Name[s]: Mouse, Mexico
[5]Gender: Male
[7]Birthday: October 21st 1987
[8]Height: 6"2
[10]Hair Color: Black
[11]Eye Color: Dark Brown
[12]Caucasian, African American, Hispanic...What: Hispanic
[13]Glasses: no-- 20/40 vision
[14]Contacts: no.
[15]Braces: no.
[16]Hair Short Or Long: short
[17]U Were Born Where: Fountain Valley, California
[18]U Now Live: Santa Ana, California [exactly one mile from where I was born]
[19]Asrtrology Sign: Libra
[20]Chineese Zodiac Sign: rabbit
[21]Nationality: Italian / Mexican
[22]Bad Habbits: Liar
[23]Piercings: no
[24]If Yes Where & How Many, If No Do U Want Any: one above my eyebrow ?
[25]Tattoos: no
[26]If Yes How Many & Where, If No Want Any: Something on my left hand, but its very illegal for any tattoo parlor to do it.

[27]Mothers Name: Cathrine Rose
[28]Fathers Name: John Prauto
[29]Brothers Name[s]: N/A
[30]Sisters Name[s]: Jody Emily, Barbara Elyse
[31]Favorite Aunt: Lucy
[32]Favorite Uncle: Anthony
[33]Favorite Grandparent: Salvador
[34]Worst Relative: Amanda!
[35]Best Relative: Grandma Ramona
[36]Best Family Memory: Christmas 2001
[37]Do U Get Along With Your Parents: Yeah
[38]Do Your Parents Understand You: No
[39]Does Anyone In Your Family Understand You: Mmm.. My sisters.. they have their moments.

[40]Do You Have Any Pets: Yeah
[41]Name[s]: Dookie
[42]Type Of Animal[s]: Dog: Papyon
[43]If You Dont Have A Pet Do You Want One: no
[44]Have You Ever Had Any Other Pets Then Mentioned Up Above: Uhhh.. too many to count.

[45]Are You Still In School: yes
[46]Did You Drop Out: no
[48]Favorite Grade: 9th
[49]Worst Grade: 6th
[50]Favorite Teacher: Hallman, Music
[51]Worst Teacher: I forgot his name... my first music teacher.
[52]Favorite Subject: Music and Technology
[53]Worst Subject: Algebra and geometry
[54]Do/Did U Buy Lunch Or Bring Lunch: Bring
[55]School Sports: None?
[56]School Activities: I'm homeschooled.. soo.. umm.. my favorite activity.... eating paste?
[57]Popular Or What: Um.. yeah.
[58]Favorite Dance: The one time I was home alone and I danced naked.. I think that'd be my sophomore year.
[59]Favorite Memory: I dont have any of those.
[60]Worst Memory: Hmm... Summer 98?
[61]Worst Dance: n/a
[62]Most Humiliating Moment: I dont know.

[63]Number: 7
[64]Clothing Brand: Dickies, Fruit of the loom.
[65]Shoes: Old vans or new converse
[66]Saying: Do what you know
[67]TV Show: Sam and max
[68]Sport: Football
[69]Vegtable: Tomato
[70]Fruit: Pear
[71]Movie: Falling down
[72]Magazine: HiGHLiGHTS! :D
[74]Actress: Rachel weis
[75]Candy: Circus Peanuts
[76]Gum: Bazooka Joe
[77]Scent: Fresia
[78]Candy Bar: SNICKERS!
[79]Ice Cream Flavor: Cookie dough
[80]Color: Red
[81]Season: winter
[82]Holiday: Presidents day; an unexpected day off
[83]Band: New order, Goodbye bluemonday & Eavesdrop
[84]Singer: Esthero!
[85]Group: The Seatbelts
[86]Type Of Music: Reggae, Trance, Jazz & blues
[87]Fast Song: Xpander - DJ Sasha
[88]Slow Song: Gotta Knock a little harder - The Seatbelts
[89]Thing In Your Room: My computer
[90]Place To Be: Playing pool in the garage when its clean
[91]Radio Station: KJZZ, KUCI
[92]TV Channel: Cartoon network, The History Channel and SPEEDVISION!
[93]Junk Food: Coffee
[94]Overall Food: Lasanga
[95]Store: EB, Not because its good.. but because they dont know crap about anything there and I can make fun of them.
[96]Shoe Brand: Vans
[97]Fast Food Place: In 'n' Out
[98]Restaurant: Tokyo lobby!
[99]Shape: X
[100]Time Of Day: Twilight
[101]Country: Canada, Its very scenic dispite all of the infamy that stupid americans give it.
[102]State: Oregon
[103]Boys Name: Gabriel
[104]Girls Name: Rachel
[105]Mall: Mainplace! LOLZORZ
[106]Video Game: Homeworld or Wipeout3
[107]Shampoo: Suave or Pantee v05
[108]Board Game: Monopoly, I'll sell you your home back to you punk.
[109]Computer Game: Half-life for sheezey
[110]Car: 63' thunderbird
[111]Music Video: Crystal by New order
[112]Swear Word: Fuckin'
[113]Word: Boisterous
[114]Month: December
[115]Cartoon: Cowboy bebop.... wait, is that a cartoon?
[116]Song Of All Time: Superheroes by Esthero
[117]Scary Movie: Silence of the lambs
[118]Team: Greenbay Packers... err... Bloodeagle? err....
[119]Possession: Grandpa's Big Red Truck!

[.Private Life I.E Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll...]
[185]Boyfriend Or Girlfriend: no
[186]Crush: no
[187]Do You Love Anyone Right Now: no
[188]Have You Ever Been In Love: yes
[189]How Many People Have You Kissed:
[190]Who Was Your First Kiss: ....
[191]Ever Have Oral Sex: Hai, Marriage.
[192]Still A Virgin: yes
[193]If Not How Many Times: ...
[194]How Many Hearts Have You Broken: 2
[195]How Many People Broke Your Heart: 2
[196]Best Quote To Sum Up Love: um.. Better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all?
[197]So What�s Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Crush Like: nonexistant
[198]What�s Your Dream Guy/Girl Like: ?
[199]Do U Go More By Looks Or Personality: equal amounts of both, they have to be perfect remember?
[200]?: Why, yes! of course!
[201]Ever Kiss A Friend: no.. please see "How many people have you kissed?"
[202]Are You Still Friends:....
[203]So Moving Along... You Smoke: Not anymore
[204]How About Some Weed... You Smoke Weed: never
[205]Ever Trip On Acid: Right after I smoke a doobie.
[206]How About A Little xTc: Yeah! permanate emotional damage! ( NO )
[207]Crack, Heroin, Anything Else: no.
[208]Beer Good Or Beer Bad: bad
[210]Are U The Little Sissy Who Drinks Mikes And Whine Coolers: no
[211]Do U Like Smirnoff Ice: no
[212]Prefer Beer Or Liquor: Liquor, "All of the drunkeness, with none of the calories"
[213]So If You Smoke How Long U Been Killin Yourself Now: eh... year and a half? I've quit now.
[214]What Kind Do You Smoke: Camel Wides and Marlboro Reds
[215]Could I Bum One: I dont have any bro.
[216]Back To Alcohol, Favoite Alcoholic Beverage: barkeep, can I get a perfect rob roy?
[217]So If You Werent A Virgin... Whens The Last Time U Got Some: I dont remember

[.Would You Ever.]
[218]Bungee Jump: maybe with freinds
[219]Sky Dive: yeah... if I had the money.
[220]Swim With Dolphins: yeah.
[221]Scuba Dive: Yeah.. as long as the equipment doesnt suck.
[222]Go Rock Climbing: Sure, safety line please?
[224]Eat Shit For 1,000,000 $: Money up-front.
[225]Change Your Religion: no.
[226]Turn Your Back On Your Friends For Personal Gain: Depends how much ;) haha.. no.. I have strong loyalties.
[227]Steal A Friends Boyfriend/Girlfriend: naw
[228]Cross-Dress: no.
[229]Lie To The Police: yeah
[230]Run From The Police: hah.. "would I ever?" more like "have I?"
[231]Speed Away From The Police: umm... not the best idea.
[232]Lie To Your Parents: Eh.. it depends
[233]Walk Up To A Total Stranger And Kiss Them: It depends who.
[234]Be A Exotic Dancer: For men or women??
[235]Walk Out Of A Restraunt Without Paying: yeah
[236]streak[run naked through somewhere for all u who dont know]: maybe

[.Your Friends.]
[257]Best Friend: Josh, Ryan & mike
[258]Known Longest: Josh
[259]Wish You Talked To More Then You Do: Seth
[260]Wish You Saw More Then You Do: Kaylynn
[261]How Many Friends Do U Think You Have: like six? I havent counted.
[262]How Many Do U Actualy Hang Out With: josh and ryan.
[263]Who Drives You Insane After Awhile: Umm... I already am.. so.. um... yeah.
[265]Ever Loose A Good Friend Because You Took It To The Next Level: no
[266]Craziest: Jordan! YOU CRAZY MOFO
[267]Loudest: Ryan, poor guy has 50% hearing so he cant even hear himself speak over all of your racket!
[268]Shyest: kaylynn
[269]Best Hair: sarah
[270]Can Always Make You Laugh: bubba
[271]Best Eyes: liz
[272]Best Body: um.. so its THAT kind of quiz? stephanie.
[273]Most Athletic: kalynn
[274]Sex Symbol: Me, er... AJ!
[275]Hot Tempered: Adam
[276]Most Impatient: Me... er... JOEY!
[277]Shortest: Rachel. Short people rock though.
[278]Tallest: Chris
[279]Talented: Debowah
[280]Best Singing Voice: um.. Debsae?
[281]Skinniest: Dane
[282]Nicest: Dawn! (She's his sister!)
[283]Best Personality: Blake
[284]Biggest Drug User: Tragic Johnson
[285]Alcoholic: Trigga

[.Have You Ever.]
[286]flashed someone: no
[287]told the person you liked how u felt: yeah
[288]been to michigan: no
[289]gotten really REALLY wasted: on robotussin
[290]gone to jail/juvi: no, I'm too fast for that.
[291]skateboarded: yeah, I'm not good anymore though/
[292]skinny dipped: no
[293]stolen anything from a store: yes
[294]wanted to kick my ass for making this so damn long SO LONG: Eh.. you're OK.
[296]pegged someone in the head with a snowball and they never knew it was you: YEAAH! I AM THE SNOWBALL SNIPER! PH33R ME!
[298]gotten into a bar under aged: yeah
[299]kissed someone of the same sex: no
[300]flipped someone off: yeah, the guy got out of his car and chased after me..
[301]gone on a road trip: yeah
[302]gone on vacation without adult supervision: nope
[303]been to a concert: yeah
[304]been to another country: no
[305]talked back to an adult: yeah
[306]got pulled over: yeah
[307]into a car accident: yeah
[308]broke a law: yeah
[309]given money to some homeless person: yeah
[310]tried to kill yourself: yeah
[311]cried to get out of trouble: Running yes. Crying NO.
[312]kissed a friends brother/sister: no
[313]dropped something on the floor that u were cooking for dinner and still put it on the plate: yeah

[314]What Do You Think About Boy Bands: Too comercialized
[315]What Do You Think About Flag Burrning: Only if you mean it, but not your own country.
[316]What Do You Think Of The War On Terrorists: Somebody had to take initive sooner or later, but there are some wrong decisions being made. I support the war though.
[317]What Do You Think About Suicide: no good
[318]What Do You Think About People Who Try To Force Their Opinions Upon You: Hah.. let em try :D
[319]What Do You Think About Abortion: What do you think about "responsabillity"? NO
[320]What Do You Think About Rock/Metal Music: good
[321]Where Do You Think You'll Be In 10 Years: Graduated in a good job, and hopefully still playing trumpet
[322]Who Do You Think You'll Still Be Friends With In 5 Years: Josh, Ryan & Dane
[323]What Do You Think About The Pop Music Scene: Some good stuff, alot of lame crap though.
[324]What Do You Think About The Store Abercrombie & Fitch: I've never been there
[325]What Do You Think About Porn: Lame.
[326]What Do Think About The Death Penalty: acceptable under certain circumstances.

[.What Did You Do....]
[339]Last Birthday: nothing?
[341]Last Weekend: sat around
[342]Christmas: made merry
[343]Thanksgiving: went to my grandmas house
[344]New Years Eve: Burnt things?
[345]Halloween: Sat at home
[346]Easter: I dont remember
[347]Valentines Day: yelled at stupid lovers... stupid love.. bah!

(missing questions)

[355]Favorite Movie Quote: "If you kill me in a dream you'd better wake up and apologize."
[356]Best Quote For Love: "Leia's your sister!"
[357]Best Quote For Friendship: "A journey is best made with a companion"
[358]Best Quote For Life: �Life is like a box of chocolate"-- let this survey END!
[359]Funny Quote: �Cut his fuckin head off!"
[360]Favorite TV Quote: �I really love you, but I dont have the time"
[361]Best Quote For Moving On: �Oh, Now he's talking about your daddy, JUST SHOOT that dirty mother-"
[362]Your Favorite Quote From A Song: �Happiness is just a word to me and it might've meant a thing or two if I'd have known the difference..." "...suddenly it had occured to me that the reason for the run and hide had totalled my existance.."

[.The Last Thing....]
[363]You Ate: cereal
[364]You Drank: coffee
[365]You Took A Shower: yesterday afternoon
[366]You Wore Out: a maroon shirt and grey pants
[367]The Last Place You Went: Dunno.
[368]Last Thing You Bought: SHARK! :D
[369]Last Thing You Got Pierced/Tattooed: ....
[370]Last Person You Saw: barbara
[371]Last Person You Kissed: .....
[372]Last Person You Fucked: your mother.
[373]Last Person You Talked To: Mom
[374]Last Party You Went To: Dane!
[375]Last Thing You Watched: The Grifters
[376]Last Song You Heard: "time management"

[377]So What Are You Eating: nothing
[378]Anything To Drink With That: coffee
[379]Whatchya Wearin: long black shorts and a shitty green shirt.
[380]Any Shoes: no
[381]Hair: greasey and matted
[382]Listening To Anything: jazz
[383]Talking To Anyone: no
[384]Are You Pissed I Made This So Long: kinda.

[.Yes Or No.]
[385]Are You A Vegitarian: no
[386]Do You Like Cows: to eat.
[387]Am I A Bitch For Making This Damn Survey: "yes we�ve established this"
[388]Are You Artisitc: no
[389]Are You A Fast Runner: yes
[390]Can You Ski: no
[391]Are You British: no
[392]Do You Want To Spear Britney: no
[393]Do The Voices Talk To You And You Only: I think.
[394]Did You Ever Give Barbie A Free Haircut & Hairdye Special: yeah, I helped my sister.. we played barbies together.
[396]Do You Think Disney Creators Were On Acid When They Made Alice In Wonderland: No, have you ever read the book!?
[397]Will The Real Slim Shady Please Shut Up: I dont think he will.
[398]Are You Straight: yeah
[399]Are You 1/2 Stupid, 1/4 insane and another 1/4 physicaly handicapped: I'm 1/2 smart and 1/2 insane.
[400]Are You Fat: no
[401]Are You Skinny and just say your fat: no
[402]Are You Short: no
[403]Do You Own A Hot Pink Shirt: no
[404]How About Orange Pants: no
[405]Can You See The Flying Monkeys: no
[406]Are You Evil: yes
[407]Did You Ever Knew Someone Who Had A Mullet: no
[408]Know Anyone Who Still Has One: no
[409]Is Britney A whore: yes
[410]Are You A Teenage Zombie: no
[411]Am I Annoying You Realy Bad With All This Nonsense: yes
[412]Do You Like Marilyn Manson: no
[413]If You Dont Like Manson You Know You Suck Right: yeah
[414]Are You Secretly From Another Planet: no.
[415]Did You Ever Touch Someone Elses No-No Spot: no no
[416]Do You Shop At Hot Topic: no
[417]Could You Kick My Ass: yeah, I could kill you twice over before you hit the ground

[.Random Questions.] - (some missing)
[458]If You Could Be Any Animal, What Animal Would You Be: A griffon?
[459]Why Would You Be THAT Animal: umm.. so I could fly and still talk.. and I could eat you for breakfast.
[469]If You Had To Eat One Thing For The Rest Of Your Life What Would It Be: Salad
[481]Do You Remeber Any Of Your Dreams: Yeah
[482]Do You Dream In Color Or Black And White: both
[484]Do You Admit When You Need Help With A Problem: I dont... haha.
[485]Can People Read You Like A Book: no
[488]What's Your Biggest Fear: failure
[501]Do You Talk A lot: yeah
[502]Are You Afraid Of Clowns: nope
[503]Do You Like Spiders: not really
[503]How About Grape Kool-Aid Do You Like: yeah, its the bestest flavor
[506]Can You Drive: yeah
[510]Are You A Spoiled Rotton Only Child: no
[512]Are You Anti-Social: no
[514]How About Dumb People: I'll fuggin' kill 'em
[521]Now What Are You Going To Go Do: finish this shit and take a shower.

Current Music : Rachmanioff - Adagio for strings

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