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Monday, June 16

Optimist VS Pessimist

Well.. as you all know I consider myself a pessimist, but since reading GK chesterton's Orthodoxy, I've taken the stand of "the irrational
optimist"; one who hates the world enough to try to change it, but also loves it enough to keep it.

The entire point that chesterton makes is that you are either loyal to life or loyal to dying.. so then get busy at one and stop telling us your opinion unless it has some positive input to the optimist...

so, that being said.. Most people consider me pessimistic because when they say "This is a good thing" I reply simply with "no it isnt", because most often they dont know what they compliment, on the opposite side, when someone says "This is I bad thing" I would be more than likely to take an agressive stand against that person, because of their simple displacement of my opinion. if I agree then there should be no contest, or simple statements and observations which lead to possible insight for both parties.

But if it isnt worth it to talk, why talk?

It seems in this day and age so many people are obsessed so much with the sound of their own voice that they dont even bother to stop and listen to another's opinion.. instead they're either interrupting with unfounded statements or being generally hum-drum and over-legalistic about various terminology used, in order to trick their competition into conceeding on the idea that they dont even know what they're saying.. which usually actually works.. but is not a way to gain knowledge.

Unless both parties are willing to gain knowledge in an argument, then neither can be well edged about the subject.

And in fact neither will gain any from it, If the goal of a debate is simply to win, then it is a waste of time.

All leagalise aside, a debate should be a conversation, albeit a much more aggresive form of conversing, debating should be well-thought, well-put and slow to judge the facts... otherwise you degrade to the point when you're only waiting for your companion to state their opinion so you can attack it, and not thinking out the details.

Hmm.. that was kind of directed at josh..

Debating = good. Squabbling = bad.

NO! the tesla tank IS in fact better than the Mammoth tank... any idiot could figure that out by the sheer size to weight to price ratio of 3:1 and the firepower ratio of 2:1... duuh.

Current Music : Cowboy Bebop - Slipper sleaze

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