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Thursday, May 22

Social Mastermind--Klutz

So.. lately I've been pretty down about how I talk to other people; in the past week I've called 3 people by a wrong name, I mentioned this girl's Ex casually and she smacked me in the face, and I mentioned this other girl's big nose and short stature: I hurt her feelings and got a 'talking to' by her respective boyfreind... (Short girls + Big Noses = Hot; or so I thought).... and now I'm the bad-guy.

I'm really fucked up about life right now... because I'm doing everything wrong with my freinds.. girls or boys, men or women, tall or short, peons or peers, red and yellow, black or white, I'm just coming off as a total ass.. and I can feel it.

This is the current state of things... and it hurts to not be even remotely charismatic around my freinds.

Heres a thought; Do people who are very charismatic wish that they where brutally honest? Are people who are "socially gifted" regretful that they couldnt ever be outcasts?

I mean.. what the hell is going on? Someone.. please tell me?

Damn, this past month has been hell on earth, socially, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually... brutal and taxing.

So, when a social endeavor should just be the icing on the cake, it turns out to be the worst part of my week...

I think I'm going to camp out in my house for the next five to ten years after this week.

Current music : Spirited Away OST - The Dragon Boy

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