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Monday, April 28


Heres some crap I wrote to confuse josh.

Me: Josh, to everyone else, what you write online is gibberish.
Me: Let me give you a sample of what I'm hearing on my end:
Me: heya josh, you not good with happy what up with you?
Me: Why you fronting? you mom is you mom is my mom is. moms.. you know how they can be sometimes.
Me: You not you is just know?
Me: just know just know yeah you know just know?
Me: Was that confusing enough for you?
Josh: yes
Me: no it wasnt if you still say yes instead of yeah and the no but so good to fly away with painted badgers over the rainbow of life on a yellow serpent and chewing bubblegum
Me: ahaha
Me: I write really entertaining shit when I just make nonsense.
Josh: your crazy
Me: holy crap!
Me: You just noticed the craziness in my pants flying under the house and seeing the dog behind the tub with his rubber chewtoy?
Josh: yes
Me: Or even, the park that is behind the little liqour store under the toilet that resides within the gaping maul of the flying fish-demon that represents the proverbial chair of life?

Whoa! if you read deeply enough into that, you might just realize that I didnt mean anything at all! ahahaha.

Current Music: Half-life - Valve Intro.. Over and over and and over and over and over UNTIL YOUR EARS BLEEED

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