pictures or whatever.

Brand new since '02.

Monday, September 30


Ahhh. Tiredness carries over a day... yes. I'm still tired, even though I went to bed at 10 last night (trying to regain sleep, because I knew I'd have school today at 8.) and my parents get up at 5 o'clock, I mean, damn, what are these people smoking?!?!?! ahhh, who in their right mind gets up at 5!?!? I mean, come on. ok, I'm done.

Aside from some OS problems, My computer was built last night, I left it over at my uncles house, because I'm going over tonight for monday night football, and to install windows XP, Geforce drivers, Installing games, MP3's and important things like that n.n...

In other news, I've been downloading alot of music for my big move from this computer to mine, mussic like, V6, music from "Cowboy Bebop" and other stuff...

...Current music = Cowboy bebop - The green bird...~�~ mood.:.Day dreaming...

Nothing to see here... move along.

Sunday, September 29

ooo. I'm tired, I mean totaly s**t wasted. I'm sooo tired, I went to bed at 4 last night, and I got up at 7 this morning when my mom woke me up to go to ACP (A computer show-type thingy, of death) I got parts for my new computer! ^_^ .... I know all you techies (AJ & Josh want me to tell you the specs)

80 GB Harddrive - I thought around 40, but my mom said she never wanted to upgrade, so whateva. (Lots of space for MP3s!)

GeForce4, ATI 4200, 128mgb - I wanted something in the geforce line, because they're so damn good, but I couldn't figure out what, until we happened upon this little beauty... (it was cheap, so dont tell me I should've shopped around josh)

Pentium 4, 1.6ghz. - I know what your thinking (AJ!) that this isn't the most powerful. but I spent most of my budget on the videocard and ram...

256 DDR - Wonderous, glorious, beautiful ram. (I'm probably going to upgrade next year sometime to 512 DDR)

CD-ROM, x52. - Nothing special at all, but it was lying around, and I need a good CD player to listen to my audio CDs(I already had this, theres no way I would've bought it)

CD-RW - This is some major hotness, its a x16 writable, x40+ readable drive. (Thanks josh for giving this wonderful piece of technology to me!)

Well, there you have it, my new computer... coffee time! [u_u] (yawn)

V6 - Just be yourself...thanks chii for this song

Saturday, September 28

My weekend off... ehhh. I'm still tired from going to denny's last night... oi to the vei.. I have some coffee brewing, so we're all ok. In other news. AJ wants me to update the link to his page... should I?

Alex: hey want to do me a favor??.....

Me: Not really, but shoot...

Alex: um for the link to my page make the... URL

Alex: that would be hot

Me: or i can just leave it like it is! xD

Alex: please sean

Alex: i will love you foever

So. there you have it, Alex can never hate me again, ever, or at least outwardly admit it... lesseeee.


Thursday, September 26

MmmmmMmmmm goood. Cuponoodle... and it has hello kitty on the packaging... top-ramen is my daddy. Me is laughing like a nerd... heehaaww

Heres something for you. its called " Drempels " its a program that runs as your background, its weird. just download it, its like PURRRPLEEE HAAAAZZEE. Listen to some jimi... maybe pop a few LSD tabs(not.)...

Alllrigghtttyy then....
Glorify cuponoodle----------------[check]
Notify the masses about drempels [check]
Jimi hendrix reference------------[check]

Current Muzak .:. |Depeche mode - Just can't get enough| ^_^ Why yes.I am in a good mood.

Tuesday, September 24

Oi to the world... alot of stuff is moving around, I'm doubling my classes this wednsday... I may move up in my band class which is also wednsday, so I have to practice ALOT. or I'm gonna be a failure... (Yeah, you people, I do play trumpet)

Yesterday I got this good book... "Ender's Game". I'm almost done with it, its a mere 15 chapters. its really good, and I think theres some sequels. Its about a genius boy who lives on the post-apocalypse earth in the distant future, with his genius siblings, and kind mother and father. All who he has to leave to go to military school (Because he's soo smart)... and. its a good book, I'm not gonna spoil it ^_^ ... its like 5$ paperback. or you can borrow it from meh

Lately I've been feeling like... I'm going to have to do some serious studying or I'm gonna get bad high school grades and flunk out of college... that is if I go to a good college, and not some crappy Lets-turn-out-some-techies-that-know-shit-about-shit kinda college...

E-TYPE - Set the world on fire
Blonde redhead - MISSLE

mmm. ok. I'll talk to you people later. xD

Monday, September 23

I got "Ender's Game" today... its the best book I've ever laid my hands on... you can buy it for like 5 bucks or something... get it, or borrow it from meh. in other good news my mom was feeling sympathetic because she went out with her daughters and splurged on stuff on the 21st, so she gave me 15$ to cover the pizza I ordered ^_^ and hopefully I'll be able to pick up my MP3 player soon...
New addition, I know I need some flashy crap to make my page look better... so here it is.

Current music .:. V6 - Made in japan

Saturday, September 21

Wooo, one month until my big birthday; Not really that big, I'll probably end up inviting nobody and getting multiple pocket knives (Like last year!) ...If you dont know how old I'll be, thats just sad.

I'm chillan' like a villan' Y'aLL... My mom is driving my sisters around LA, my dad is on a fishing trip, and I was at work, until about an hour ago, I ordered a LARGE, PEPPERONI and OLIVE, pizza (ouch my wallet hurts, but my face feels allllRIGHT) out of my paycheck.($50) and I tipped the pizza guy while in my pajamas with q-tips in my ears ^_^... so, I get back from work. nobodys home, woop woop. home alone. woop woop. (no internet ;_;) but I'm still journaling. anywayz. I did some crazy stuuf; showering with the door open, walking around in my birthday suit, and all of that, pizza included...
**Fifteen minutes pass**

0_0... Darnit! I have music on, I should be happy, but, alas, nobody is here to share in on my spoils of war... I'm bored, and I tryed calling anyone, but everyones busy... (Saturday night feeva!).

This is all, I'll talk to you *insert condisending title here* later...

Friday, September 20

oi! its been a month since my last post... soooo. let me bring you up to speed... (NOT) nothings really changed alot. Got CD player, broke it, returned it, got another one, broke that one ^_^ ... I've just been sitting around doing school, and listening to lots of music, like esthero, violent femmes, thievery corp.;music you should download. I really dont know what else to post. :-P

Current music : Violent femmes - Add it up.

Sunday, September 8

Good radio> Daniel payne radio

New template, which will be known as "My grey land"


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